Påmelding til online traumekonferanse 31 august-3 september.


Europas største traumekonferanse inkluderer foredrag og workshop med kunst-og uttrykksterapi. 

The Body Holds the Healing: Lived Experiences of Trauma and Restoration via Expressive Arts with Cathy Malchiodi.

"This presentation emphasizes the role of lived experiences and how implicit communication via expressive arts facilitates restorative narratives. Most trauma specialists agree that lived experiences—first-person stories from trauma survivors—are key to understanding their reactions and recovery, yet few studies use narrative methods and arts-based research designs to evaluate what survivors are telling us through both implicit [non-verbal] and explicit [verbal] communications. This keynote brings together initial data from research on expressive arts therapy with the US Department of Education and expressive and sensory-based approaches in programming within the Department of Defense to highlight the importance of lived experiences in recovery and restoration."

You can also attend a virtual workshop with Cathy, introducing some new practices that have emerged from research on expressive arts therapy, sensory-based approaches, and co-regulation as key factors in perceptions of wellness and transformation. As you know, it's all about re-sensitizing our bodies to joy, enlivenment, hope, mastery, playfulness, and curiosity.

You can register for this conference and receive 50% off the virtual participant price as an expressive arts therapist (for online only).