Advanced Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy: Healing Trauma and Grief through Nature

An Advanced Live Webinar Series. Begins on July 27, 2023, 12 noon- 3 pm Eastern US Time. Early Registration is $ 269 and opens through June 10th; Regular Registration is $299 on June 11th, 2022. Faculty: Elizabeth Warson PhD, and Cathy Malchiodi, PhD.
Advanced Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy: Healing Trauma and Grief through Nature is a five-session live webinar series and is a "sequel" to our Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy Level One Course. You can register for this advanced series without taking Level One-- This is a self-contained course with additional principles, concepts, frameworks, and practices in nature-based approaches across the lifespan. This webinar series will focus specifically on how nature-based expressive approaches address trauma and loss in adults, children, adolescents, and communities-- because with traumatic events, grief is also present. In fact, climate grief via environmental changes and natural disasters is becoming a concern in psychotherapy, counselling, coaching, and other helping professions.
This course provides numerous strategies for using nature as a pathway to increasing sensory and body awareness; resensitizing body and mind through expressive and somatosensory approaches grounded in nature; using nature as a resource; reconnecting our clients and patients to health and wellness through eco-counselling and psychotherapy approaches grounded in current research; and cultural humility and indigenous wisdom as foundations for ethical practice and theory.
We explore how an expressive continuum of practices informs nature-based expressive arts therapy; applying a Circle of the Capacity model; using personal autonomic maps; and integrating the richness of nature-oriented cultural and spiritual traditions that attune us to awe, compassion, and community to address trauma and grief. Join us to learn how to re-sensitize and enliven body and mind through image, sound, rhythm, movement, enactment, and narrative found through nature-based practices with children, adolescents, adults, groups, communities, and yourself.
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